ETF-51D 44-14017 Sea Horse
Did you know in WWII the US Navy tested out a P-51 Mustang for carrier use? It was redesignated ETF-51D 44-14017 and nicknamed Sea Horse, she was not given a bureau number. On 15 November 1944, Lieutenant Robert “Bob” Elder began carrier trials on board the USS Shangri-La CV-38 off the Virginia Capes. A total of 25 landings and takeoffs were made, with the trials reported as completely successful. Landings were “easy,” with the tail wheel allowed to contact the flight deck before the main gear.. Takeoffs were made without the use of a catapult, with a flap setting of 20 degrees down and 5 degrees of up elevator. #p51 #navyp51 #etf51d #ussshangrila #cv38 #wwii #flynavy #navalsafari #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari
