USS Henry Clay SSBN-625 (1964)
Per request, USS Henry Clay SSBN-625 launching a Polaris A-2 missile from the surface of the Atlantic Ocean off Cape Kennedy, FL. The objects flying through the air around the missile are launch adapters designed to detach themselves automatically once the missile has left the tube. The sub's slight port list is a standard part of surface launch procedures. The tall mast was a temporary telemetry antenna installed for operations at the Cape only. This was the first demonstration that Polaris subs can launch missiles from the surface as well as from beneath the surface. 30 minutes earlier the Clay successfully launched an A-2 missile submerged, April 1964. #usshenryclay #ssbn625 #silentservice #boomer #navalsafari #aviationsafari #aviationpreservation #boneyardsafari
